Day 34 Dufton to Middleton in Teesdale Wednesday 15 June

Distance 23.32 miles, cumulative 571.73 miles, 9 hrs 55 mins, walking time 8 hrs 20 mins, pace 2.8 mph, camped Leekworth caravan and camping park.
A steady climb up to High Cup Nick started the day. Followed by crossing Dufton Fell to Cow Green Reservoir. We then followed the River Tees from the dam to Middleton. The river dropped through a series of waterfalls and initially the going was steep and tricky underfoot. High Force and Low Force waterfalls are dramatic and attract visitors to Howick and the Strathmore Estate. 

Immediately after the dam there was a very steep and tricky descent which required some scrambling. We thought of Conal and Linda with Bob the Barrow and could just not see how they would manage the scramble. Sure enough we found a veritable barrow graveyard (see pictures), fortunately we could not see any skeletal remains. 

The weather was dry and overcast which made for good walking but poor photos. 

Lynn made friends with some stone sheep and then found some real ones to talk to. We saw plenty of day walkers and visitors to the waterfalls and dam but we didn’t stop to chat as today was a longer day for us. Steve was a little grumpy all day as he had a thick head having celebrated the previous evening at ‘The Stag’ by trying some of the real ales. 

5 thoughts on “Day 34 Dufton to Middleton in Teesdale Wednesday 15 June”

  1. Happy birthday for yesterday Steve – I hope you enjoyed the ale. Pleased to see you are in the dale for the big river near to where Katie comes from. Hopefully at the end you’re visiting it’s a little cleaner that at the other end…. Thanks for the amazing views, glad you’ve swapped allegiance to the North English Tourist Board. Looking forward to the next instalment. Good on the birds too, we could do with a cuckoo spot, not spit.., 😊👍


  2. Belated Happy Birthday Steve. Love this part of the world. Used to go Youth Hosteling around there as a kid.
    Hope all well with you both👫


  3. Belated happy birthday Steve! I’m surprised Steve didn’t pick up one of the discarded barrows! x


  4. Loving the pic of you and the sheep lynn. Looks like youre having a fab time! Hows the feet? Any blisters yet? Enjoy and look forward to more blogging.x


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